Emily Scott, a student at East Bladen High School, has been named as a semi-finalist for the National Beta Club Scholarship. She learned last week that she had been named to the semi-finalist list and is preparing her application materials for the March deadline.
“It is really exciting. It means so much. It’s relieving to know that all of the hard work is paying off,” said Scott of the honor.
In addition to competing to become a finalist for the National Beta Club Scholarship, Scott will also compete at the National Beta Club Convention in Orlando, Florida in June. Scott’s art work placed second in water color at the NC Senior Beta Club Convention held earlier this year.
Scott expects to learn in May if she is named as a finalist for the scholarship. According to Beta Club’s website, each year 275 scholarships are awarded in amounts raining from $1,000 to $15,000.
She siad her Beta Club Sponsors Cheryl West and Anita Willington along with her middle school Junior Beta Club Sponsor Heather Thompson have all encouraged her along the way.
Scott is the daughter of Bryon and Judith Scott and has one brother, Spencer Scott.