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Staff report

Bladen County residents are preparing to take to the streets for a cause that touches hearts and homes across the nation. April is Child Abuse Prevention month and Bladen County will hold a Child Abuse Prevention Walk. The event is slated for Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 10:00 AM.

Organized by the Division of Social Services (DSS), the walk aims to rally the community in a visible stand against child abuse. It will commence at DSS headquarters located at 208 McKay Street in Elizabethtown, NC. Participants are called upon to gather in solidarity, walking around the Health & Human Services Agency departments, and throughout the community to raise awareness about the critical issue of child abuse prevention.

Participants will march behind a banner of hope, represented by the iconic blue pinwheel and ribbon symbols, which have become synonymous with child abuse prevention efforts. The event is an open invitation to individuals from all walks of life to step forward and lend their support to this vital cause.

What is child abuse?

We all want what’s best for our children, yet sadly, child abuse and neglect happen far too often. Abuse is when a child is harmed on purpose, whether it’s through hitting, sexual acts, or hurtful words. Neglect, however, is when a child isn’t given the care they need, like enough food or love.

Many times, adults who hurt children were abused themselves when they were young. This harm can leave lasting emotional wounds. A child should never have to go through this. Sometimes, adults harm children because they’re under a lot of stress, but this can still cause serious damage.

There are four main types of abuse:

Physical Abuse – Hurting a child by hitting or other harm.

Emotional Maltreatment – Making a child feel worthless with harsh words or actions.

Sexual Abuse – Any sexual activity with a child.

Neglect – Not giving a child basic needs like food, clothes, or love.

While any one of these on its own might not be a sign of abuse, certain clues can signal a problem. If you see several warning signs, it’s important to either talk to the child or parent or contact Child Protective Services.

The pain from abuse can be physical and need a doctor. The emotional hurt can lead to problems like low self-esteem and trouble with relationships.

If you think a child is being harmed, you must tell the Social Services. It’s the law, and you won’t be in trouble if you’re trying to help.

Parents who need help should ask for it. There’s a free online course called Triple P – Positive Parenting Program. You can find it on the NC Services and Information Catalog or call the DHHS Customer Service Center for more support. You can also call 1-800-4-A-CHILD, the National Child Abuse Hotline.

As the community bands together, each step taken is a step towards greater awareness, education, and prevention of child abuse. The Child Abuse Prevention Walk promises to be a moment of community, connection, and commitment to a future where every child is nurtured and protected. Bladen County sends a clear message: the fight against child abuse is ongoing, and it’s a fight they are determined to win.

staff report
Author: staff report

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