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Bladen Disaster Relief Distribution site was launched as a concerted effort with Foundation Bible Church, Bladen Crisis Assistance, Bladen County United Way, and the County of Bladen. The organization has been staffed entirely by volunteers from many local churches and residents from in-and-around Bladen County. We are pleased to announce that we have served over 9700 residents of Bladen and surrounding counties at least once, thus far.

The new hours of distribution, effective immediately, are:

Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 – 5:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 – 11:00 am

We take this opportunity the sincerely thank all of our volunteers who have assisted in this effort, and welcome any new volunteers who may have time to assist. Anyone wishing to volunteer please call Amy Huggins at 910-991-6394

Author: bladenonline

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