Bladenboro Town Hall
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By Erin Smith

Bladenboro Town HallThe Bladenboro Town Board met on Monday night and voted to issue a fine in the amount of $22,050. Town Administrator John O’Daniel said the company has been violating the “flow” they were allowed in their permit. He said this was the third such violation that has taken place at the plant.

“Carroll failed to accurately complete their reports,” said O’Daniel.

Other issues at Carroll Poultry include the need to have their effluent meter calibrated, according to O’Daniel. He said the company can potentially be fined up to $25,000 per day for each day they remain out of compliance and ultimately their permit can be revoked, said O’Daniel.

The board also voted to amend the sampling schedule for Carroll Poultry to continue the initial sampling requirements until June 30, 2019.

“We want them to get into compliance and we want them to remain in business,” said O’Daniel.

In other business, the board approved the budget with a total of $1.7 million which is a slight increase over last year’s budget. The town’s property tax rate remained unchanged at 0.64 cents per $100 of valuation. O’Daniel said there was a slight increase in fees for the town.

The water and sewer rates increased slightly over last year’s budget. The flat rate for water in-town is now $9.49 and the flat rate for out-of-town is $18.98. The water rate for users of 1,501 to 25,000 gallons is$2.39 per 1,000 gallons for in-town customers and $4.78 per 1,000 gallons for  out-of-town customers.

The severe rate flat rate for in-town customers is $14.18 and the for out-of-town customers the rate is $28.36. The sewer rate for users of 1,501 to 25,000 gallons is $3.51 per 1,000 gallons for in-town customers and $7.02 per 1,000 gallons for out-of-town customers.

The board also voted to approve:

*The board approved the a water shortage response plan.

*The board accepted a proposed schedule for employee evaluations.

*The board accepted the proposed five-year economic development plan.

*The board voted to accept the Community Development Block Grant-I for a grant to purchase five generators for the town.

*The board discussed the pay and classification plan study and requested Town Administrator John O’Daniel pull information from town’s who are similar in size and population to Bladenboro.

*The board approved a sewer easement request.

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