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Blood supplies at local health care centers are critically low. Lu Mil Vineyard has stepped up to help with the demand.

The local vineyard has scheduled a blood drive for March 5, from 2 p.m until 5 p.m. 

Blood donated at the drive stays in the community, helping save lives in Cumberland, Bladen, Harnett, and Hoke counties. Healthy donors are encouraged to give.

High school students who give are eligible to enter to win a vehicle donated by Powers Swain Chevrolet. 

“We have been struggling just to keep a few days supply of blood. This will help a lot!” Dianne Carter, a Mobile Recruitment Coordinator, said.

Lu Mil Vineyard is located at 438 Suggs-Taylor Rd, Elizabethtown, North Carolina.

If you are not available to make the drive please call (910) 615-LIFE or visit www.savingliveslocally.org.

Author: BladenOnline

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