By: Erin Smith
The Bladen County Board of Commissioners met on Monday and learned about the progress of the Phase IV Expansion for the Bladen County Water District.
Adam Kiker and Tim Carpenter presented the board with an update on the Phase IV water expansion. Kiker told the board that the primary objective is to perform the replacement of all the water meters in the county and to install a new well in the western part of Bladen County.
Kiker said that they sent 36 different meters out to be tested. Of those, some were found to be deficient and some were found to not be working at all.
The estimated cost of the project will be about $5.7 million and half of the cost will be for the well and water meter replacement. Kiker told the board the way it impacts the water rate is to increase the rate by $1.75 per month to cover the costs.
Carpenter told the board the preliminary engineering report would cost $15,000 and the environmental report would cost about $10,000.
Commissioner Charles Ray Peterson asked where in the western part of the county will a new well most likely go. They answered somewhere north of Dublin. Peterson about the tank and well at Center Road. He was told there are two wells there but one of the wells is currently idle. Peterson asked them to look into it and that the well does not need to be idle.
In other business:
*The board approved a grant application for the Lock and Dam No. 2 and No. 3 fishway project.
*The board approved a statement of support for the Guard and Reserve.
*The board also approved several advisory board appointments.
*The board approved a request from Bladen County Schools for an application to the Public School Building Capital Fund, NC Education Lottery for $31,603 for the replacement of a freezer/cooler at Clarkton School of Discovery.
*The board approved a renewal agreement with Bladen Therapy Solutions and with Therapy Works.
*The board approved an agreement with Bladen County Schools for FY 2016-17.