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On December 23, 2020, Men and Women United for Youth & Families, CDC, and Community Support Agency (CSA) hosted their Annual Christmas Giveback and Toys 4 Tots Campaigns.

West Fraser Armour of Riegelwood, presented a $5,000 cash donation to help with the campaigns. The Salvation Army donated 100 bicycles for the event.

According to the organizers, due to COVID-19, donations have been lower this year compared to past years, but the philanthropy efforts of local businesses, churches, and organizations provided enough donations to make the gift-giving event a success.

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Photos by Kenneth Armstrong, kenarmphoto.com

Rev. Kevin Graham said about the event, “It was very successful. The community rExecutive and we are very appreciative.”

He added, “A special thanks also goes out to Men and Women United’s Exceutive Director, Randolph Keaton and CEO of CSA, Deboria Berry for helping make the event possible.”

Families throughout Columbus and Bladen Counties received toys, clothing, gift cards, food, and other items to help make this holiday season fulfilling and joyful.

COVID-19 safety procedures were in place by the staff and recipients.

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