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Congratulations to Mr. Callihan on his selection as a Teacher of the Week with FSI and the Carolina Panthers. Be sure to vote for him all week at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9GSKKTM

Mr. Chris Callihan a math teacher at Clarkton School of Discovery was nominated for this award. Below is what was said about the nominee:

“Mr. Callihan teaches math in the AG program at Clarkton School of Discovery and coaches several sports. He has a way of not only effectively teaching the students about math, but he builds relationships. He goes out of his way to help his students academically and personally. Students from previous years still remain in contact with him and have nothing but positive things to say. Chris puts his whole heart and soul into that school. If there is anything that needs to be done, or a fellow teacher needs help, he’s the first one to step up. He has a great rapport with his students and coworkers. Chris has a way of making learning fun by interjecting humor and real-life scenarios, which is no easy task with Math. He holds his students to a high standard but works alongside them to help them reach their goal. Chris does a lot ‘behind the scenes’ work that nobody even knows about. Why? He doesn’t do it for the attention or accolades, but he does these things in love, and because he truly cares about the school and his students. I’ve seen him work weekends on a ball field, getting it ready for an upcoming game or season. He has paid out of pocket for supplies for students because they couldn’t afford it. He noticed a student needed a lunch box last year, so he went and got one for him. Chris has taken students home, tutored after hours, swept the gym floor, and whatever needs to be done. He just does it and often purchases supplies for his classroom. He is definitely one of a kind! He would be so appreciative, surprised, and probably a little embarrassed if he were to win. I thank you for the opportunity, and I thank you for recognizing our school teachers!”

You may cast your vote for Mr. Callihan now at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9GSKKTM

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