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A staff report

Photos Contributed by the North Carolina State Highway Patrol

As the North Carolina State Highway Patrol celebrates its 95th anniversary, Colonel Freddy L. Johnson Jr. takes a moment to reflect on the organization’s rich history and enduring mission. In a heartfelt letter addressed to the Patrol family, Colonel Johnson commemorates nearly a century of dedicated service, unwavering commitment, and the profound legacy that has shaped the State Highway Patrol since its inception in 1929.

North Carolina State Highway Patrol Colonel Freddy L. Johnson

“Since our humble beginnings in 1929, our organization has never stopped evolving,” Colonel Johnson writes. “However, throughout this evolution, the core principle behind our mission has always remained the same, and that is to save lives by preventing fatal crashes.” This steadfast dedication to saving lives remains at the forefront of the Patrol’s mission, a testament to the enduring values that have guided the organization for almost a century.

Colonel Johnson highlights the generational impact of the State Highway Patrol, noting the numerous active and retired members who come from families with a proud history of service. “The past 95 years have profoundly influenced multiple generations of courageous men and women who have answered the call to serve,” he remarks, emphasizing the deep-rooted legacy that continues to inspire new generations of State Troopers.

Expressing gratitude to retirees, Colonel Johnson acknowledges their invaluable contributions to the Patrol’s storied history. “Our retirees have laid the foundation upon which we continue to build,” he says. To the current sworn and civilian members, he offers commendation for their dedication and commitment. “You are the carriers of our ideals and principles that we hold dear,” Colonel Johnson states, recognizing their choice to make the Patrol not only a career but also an extended family.

As the Patrol reflects on its 95 years of service, Colonel Johnson urges remembrance of the 70 members who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. “Their willingness to sacrifice their own lives to preserve the lives of others must resonate in all that we do in our profession,” he writes, calling for continued prayers for the fallen members and their families.

Colonel Johnson closes his letter with a message of honor and encouragement. “While our history records where we have been, our legacy influences how we will be remembered,” he reflects. “Strive to be the best at what you do. Above all, take good care of one another as you share in our collective mission of service and protection on our state’s highways.”

On behalf of the senior command staff, Colonel Freddy L. Johnson Jr. extends his deepest thanks for 95 years of outstanding service and unwavering commitment to the great state of North Carolina.


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