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A staff report

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Elizabethtown, NC – The community came together in a powerful show of support for Randy Jones, a brave firefighter who sustained severe burns in an accident this past November. The Benefit Ride for Randy Jones, organized by the Elizabethtown Fire Department and the Blue Shepherds Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club (LERC) from Sampson County, was a resounding success.

The event, which began at 10:30 a.m. on April 6th from 300 East Broad Street, featured a motorcycle ride and BBQ chicken plate sale. Richard “Sling” Shaw and his brother, Bull, were invited to receive the proceeds from the fundraiser on the evening of May 14, 2024. Sling expresses heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed.

Wayne Ramsey, a Bladen County resident and member of the Blue Shepherds, played a crucial role in the event, according to Sling, which included selling chicken plates and organizing the fundraiser ride.

“We really appreciate the Blue Shepherds and all they did to help,” said Sling, “Typically, Randy is the one helping with fundraisers and assisting people in need, but this time, he on the other side of the situation and needs the help.”

The event’s sponsors were pivotal in its success. Allen Brothers donated a gun for a raffle, adding to the funds raised. Bladen Crisis, a local non-profit, also helped support the cause.

Sling Shaw reported that Randy continues to improve and is expected to come home from the hospital at the end of the month.

The event underscored the strong sense of community in the southeast region. The fire department’s social media pages buzzed with gratitude, acknowledging the Blue Shepherds LERC and the numerous vendors whose contributions were vital to the event’s success. The fundraiser exemplifies Randy’s impact on the community.

Randy Jones has been a familiar face in Elizabethtown since joining the fire department in 2012. His commitment extends beyond his service as a firefighter; he is also a valued employee at Giorgio’s Restaurant and is often seen biking or walking around town. The fundraiser raised funds and bolstered the collective morale, sending a powerful message of unwavering support to a man who has given so much to his community.

Sling and the other fundraising organizers expend a sincere “thank you to everyone who made this event a huge success.”

If you would like to donate to Randy’s recovery, visit the GoFundMe page Sling created for Randy’s needs.


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