
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Rep. Robert Pittenger

WASHINGTON – In an effort to counter increased Chinese aggression, Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) and Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (TX-10) this week introduced the Taiwan Security Act.  This legislation strengthens the U.S.-Taiwan defense relationship and supports ongoing efforts to cut economic ties with North Korea.

“America’s relationship with China is challenged by their current provocations in the South China Sea, cyber threats, business investments which impact U.S. national security, and economic support for North Korea.  This legislation strengthens our relationship with the freedom-loving people of Taiwan and provides a necessary counter-balance to China’s increased aggressiveness in the region,” said Congressman Pittenger.

“For far too long, the United States has prioritized the demands of Beijing over the consistent support of our friends in Taiwan.  China is a nation that continuously bullies its neighbors, undermines U.S. economic and national security, threatens global trade in the South China Sea, and has refused to use its leverage over North Korea to help resolve the crisis on the Korean peninsula.  For these reasons, among many others, it’s time to relinquish China’s unabated power to dictate U.S. foreign policy.  While respecting our One-China policy, we must return to our normal process for approving arms sales to Taiwan and encouraging their participation alongside the U.S. on the international stage when and where appropriate.  The United States should stand firm behind our ally Taiwan, and I commend Senator Cotton for leading this effort in the Senate,” said Chairman McCaul.


The Taiwan Security Act:


·        Mandates senior defense and diplomatic exchanges between the United States and Taiwan at the flag officer and assistant secretary level or above.

·        Reestablishes an annual strategic dialogue between the United States and Taiwan on arms sales in order to ensure the regular transfer of defense articles.

·        Directs the U.S. Secretary of Defense to invite Taiwanese forces to participate in the 2018 Rim of the Pacific naval exercise and a 2018 edition of the Red Flag air-to-air combat exercise.

·        Requires U.S. Navy port visits to Taiwan and vice versa.

·        Expresses Congressional support for Taiwan’s plan to spend 3 percent GDP on defense and its ongoing efforts to suspend all economic ties with North Korea.


Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) has introduced companion legislation in the Senate.

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