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by Kayla Bell

Summer. A time for lazy days, sunshine, and carefree fun. Or is it? For many, the season also brings a tide of social pressure, a relentless current of pool parties, barbecues, and beach trips splashed across social media. This constant barrage of seemingly perfect vacations and endless festivities can leave you feeling like you’re missing out, especially if your summer plans don’t quite match the curated online narratives.

But here’s the truth: summer social pressure is a myth, or at least a distorted version of reality. The carefully crafted online snapshots don’t capture the awkward moments, the sunburn sting, or the inevitable mosquito bites. They don’t show the exhaustion from overstimulation or the longing for quiet moments amidst the chaos. Social media feeds are highlight reels, not documentaries, and comparing your behind-the-scenes reality to someone else’s carefully edited snippets is a recipe for discontent.

The key to combating summer social pressure lies in embracing your unique version of the season. Ask yourself, what truly brings you joy? Is it a quiet evening with a good book on your porch swing, listening to the cicadas’ chirp? Or maybe it’s a weekend camping trip under a star-studded sky. Perhaps it’s a day spent volunteering at a local animal shelter or helping a neighbor with their garden. Whatever sparks your happiness, prioritize those activities.

Remember, a fulfilling summer doesn’t require a passport or a picture-perfect beach backdrop. It’s about creating memories that resonate with you, not ones designed to impress an online audience. Reconnect with loved ones who genuinely enrich your life, plan activities that bring you peace and fulfillment, and don’t be afraid to carve out some quiet time for yourself. Recharge your batteries, explore your passions, and embrace the simple joys of the season – the taste of fresh berries straight from the vine, the exhilarating coolness of a dip in a local lake, or the pure joy of learning a new skill like gardening or stargazing.

Social media can be a wonderful tool for connection, but it’s important to be mindful of how it shapes your perception. Curate your own online experience by following people who inspire you and promote positivity. Take breaks from social media to truly immerse yourself in the present moment, the sights, sounds, and smells of your summer experience. Disconnecting to reconnect with yourself and the world around you can be incredibly refreshing.

Instead of endlessly scrolling through feeds filled with FOMO (fear of missing out), try using social media as a way to share your own authentic experiences. Post a picture of your delicious homemade ice cream concoction, share a snippet of your favorite summer playlist, or document your progress on a new creative project. Social media can be a platform for genuine connection, a way to share your passions and connect with others who share your interests. But remember, it’s your experience to curate, so don’t feel pressured to portray a picture-perfect summer that doesn’t resonate with you.

Ultimately, summer is a blank canvas. Don’t let societal expectations or the pressure to conform dictate how you paint your picture. Embrace the season on your terms, prioritize activities that bring you genuine joy, and create memories that resonate with your unique definition of summer bliss. After all, a summer well-spent leaves you feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to face the new season with a smile, with a heart brimming with the contentment that comes from following your path and truly cherishing the unique moments that make up your summer experience.

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