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The July 4th holiday is upon us!! The County of Bladen would like to remind citizens and visitors that fireworks are strictly regulated and dangerous – so stay safe and obey the law!

Please use caution when using legal fireworks.

Most fireworks are illegal to use, sell, and possess in North Carolina. There are a few exceptions provided in NC General Statute 14-414. Examples of legal fireworks are toy cap pistols, snake/glow worms, smoke devices, trick noisemakers, party poppers, string poppers, snap pops, and sparklers. Any firework that explodes or leaves the ground is ILLEGAL.

The Bladen County Sheriff’s Office, Bladen County Fire Marshal’s Office, and local Police Departments will be looking for illegal firework shows. Violators will face a misdemeanor charge that could include fines and jail time.

The safest way to celebrate with fireworks is to attend a permitted public display. These shows are operated by professionals with many safety nets including fire and EMS units on site.

The Elizabethtown/ White Lake Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual show over White Lake on Saturday July, 4th at 9pm

Let us remember those who have sacrificed, and those who continue to provide for our Independence.

Let’s keep this Independence Day Safe – follow the law and keep safety in mind.

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Author: bladenonline

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