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DAV-meeting-JanuaryThe Elizabethtown  chapter of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday night, and announced that it is adding new members to the roster and working towards a new membership drive. Two new members joined last month. Tim Page and Amos Bledsoe proudly accepted the dedicated singular purpose of the DAV, which is to uphold the constitution of the United States of America.

Commander David Brown has set a tentative date of February 27 to hold a membership drive at Bo’s grocery store in Bladenboro. If you are a veteran you are urged to come out to this meet and greet.

Commander Brown is working to schedule a date for the Veterans Administration’s mobile claims vehicle to come to the National Guard Armory in Elizabethtown. When the mobile claims vehicle arrives, any veteran who has not yet filed a claim, or who has had any issues with the claim they have filed will get the assistance they need with their claim, without having to leave Bladen County. There have been some changes to veterans benefits in recent years, and the claims agents will be happy to discuss these changes with each veteran who has a question. BladenOnline will publish the date for the event as soon as Commander Brown has arranged it.

Our local DAV is already making plans for the Memorial Day celebration this year, which will be held at the Historical Building in Bladenboro, on May 30th. Commander Brown is looking forward to securing a 2 star general as the guest speaker, and inviting the West Bladen High School ROTC and Marching Band to perform again. “They did such a wonderful job for us at Veterans Day last November, we’d like to offer a huge “Thank You” to them all, and a special mention to the young man who played Taps on the bugle, it was very moving,” said Brown.

Plans have also been set in motion for the DAV to have an information booth at the Dublin Peanut Festival in September. And a request goes out to the community to help the DAV to locate a loud speaker they can purchase for their ceremonies and celebrations.

As always, the Chaplain offered prayers for those veterans who were unable to attend the meeting due to health concerns and infirmities. The meeting was closed with a reminder to invite other veterans to join this local chapter of the DAV.

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