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Leyton Ezzell

St. Patrick’s Day is a day of general celebration with friends, family, and available drinks. But do you know how it started?

St. Patrick’s Day was started much like Valentine’s Day in the Roman Empire. The story starts with Saint Patrick being sold into slavery at 16 and being sent to Ireland. Patrick was able to escape but returned in 432CE to the emerald isle to convert the native Irish to Christianity. By March 17, 461, Patrick had established many churches, monasteries, and schools across Ireland by the time of his death. Many legends had formed around the Saint, like him driving all the snakes out of Ireland and using clovers to explain how the Trinity works.

How can you honor and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Many people drink to celebrate the holiday, but there are many other foods and activities one can do to celebrate the holiday like dressing in green and singing and dancing.

Remember that St. Patrick’s Day is Thursday the 17th.

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