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The Dublin Peanut Festival (DPF) works every month during the year to serve their community. The local civic group held the first annual staff volleyball game to support the local schools, according to DPF member Tracy Smith.

Dublin Primary School staff members played against the Plainview Elementary School staff members in Dublin this Thursday evening. They played three rounds with Dublin taking the win of two games.

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The opposing Principals, Ms. Cheshire from Dublin and Ms. Ruffin from Plainview, set an example for good sportsmanship as they posed with smiles for a photo at the game.

Chairmen Richard Sibbett of the Dublin Peanut Festival committee and Miss Dublin Peanut Festival Queen, Alyssa Bell, presented a check for $500 to Jeff Atkinson, the Physical Education teacher at both Dublin and Plainview Elementary Schools. The donation will be used for each school’s Physical Education Department.

DPF has also announced the plans for their annual Oyster Roast. The event will be held on March 14, 2020 from 11 am until 4 pm. at Lu Mil Vineyard in Dublin. Tickets are $45 when purchase from a DPF committee member. You may purchase tickets at the door the day of the event for $50. Find out more on DPF Facebook page:


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