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by Blake Proctor

With Councilmember Rhonda Hall excused absent and Town Clerk Josephine Smith still out ill, Mayor Perry Blanks called the May 10th meeting of the East Arcadia Council to order at 7:05 pm.

All stood as Mayor Blanks provided the invocation. The Consent Agenda, comprising last month’s meeting minutes and the April finance report, was quickly unanimously approved.

There were no parties wishing to be heard, so the meeting moved on to Council Reports, always the meat of each agenda.

Councilmember Lillian Graham of the Finance Committee said there was nothing to report; however, it is now time to begin preparing the 2021-2022 budget. After a short discussion, the Mayor advised the Council that he would be getting with each member to learn their availability for a budget workshop schedule.

Councilmember Horace Munn of the Streets and Roads Committee informed the Board that the backhoe has been repaired and was now in extensive use in mowing rights-of-way in Town.

Recalling the Council’s concerns at the last meeting regarding massive amounts of litter on town streets, Mr. Munn advised them of the success of the concerted efforts of town officials and citizens at the “litterfest” on Saturday, April 24th.

According to the Councilmember, some two dozen participants collected over 100 bags of litter off the Town’s rights-of-way. He said it made a large dent in the problem but suggested that more such activities would be needed to totally rid East Arcadia of this mess.

As part of her Parks & Recreation Committee report, Ms. Graham let the Board know that her Committee, in partnership with Columbus County Parks & Rec, is continuing this collection effort, beginning at 8:00 am this Saturday, the 15th; all participants are welcome! Mr. Munn said he had “plenty” of bags.

Councilmember Rhonda Hall advised that the surveyor for the Old Gym property has done the survey; several additional turns and corners are required due to the shapes of surrounding properties. This has meant that the fence line will be lengthened 200 feet.

The fencing contractor calculated that this extra fencing will cost an additional $1,907, bringing the total cost of the fence to $20,207, plus $450 for the gates. On a motion by Councilmember Munn and a second by Councilmember Pete Carter, the Board unanimously approved the contract change.

Under the Water Committee report, Mr. Munn reported that the King Tut Road bore still has not been made. Homes on the other side of the bore, which have never had water service, will have meters placed at their properties, and the service lines will be connected as soon as the bore is made and the main is laid.

In another long-standing problem, Mr. Munn told the Board that the missing sewer manhole covers in the town streets have still not been replaced. This, despite letters to Arcadia Village, which has its own package treatment plant and is responsible for maintaining those facilities. Further action will be required.

Councilmember Hall announced that she is in receipt of the updated planning and zoning ordinance mandated by the state to be adopted by June 30th. Town Attorney Santana Miller will review the document and have an opinion for the next meeting.

Councilmember Munn reminded the Council that the Town is due to receive $70,000 this May from the federal American Rescue Plan (ARP); another $70,000 will be coming May 2022.

Mr. Munn, who is also Chief of the East Arcadia Volunteer Fire Department, notified the Board that he will be stepping down as Chief effective June 30th. He said he has too many other irons in the fire; he also referred to his health.

Referencing a letter from Town Auditor Bryon Scott, Mayor Blanks advised that the Town has an excess of unpaid water bills, as utility customers obviously believed they would not have to pay these bills. The Mayor said that most North Carolina towns have the same problem, beginning with the moratorium on disconnecting overdue accounts during the Xi Jinpingfluenza pandemic.

With all the evening’s business concluded, the meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.

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