Elizabethtown and White Lake business leaders heard about the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve from Dr. Darrell Page. The local chamber lunch also had a spotlight member, Jeremy White, with Woodmen of the World discuss his services on Tuesday, April 11th at the Cape Fear Farmer’s Market.
Many businesses and local government agencies hire veterans and members of the Guard and Reserve. The Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve is a program created in 1972 to assist businesses in their obligations to their employees who are serving in the National Guard or Reserves.
Dr. Darrell Page, who volunteers his time with the ESRG, said the idea is to help employers by assisting them with easing conflicts that can arise from an employee’s military service. Dr. Page said a business can not fire a Reservist for needing to miss work for drills or due to deployments.
The ESRG also recognizes civilian employers for their efforts in supporting their employees who are veterans or who are members of the National Guard or Reserves.
Page presented the chamber with a certificate from the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) for their support within their organization.
Jeremy, with Woodmen of the World explained to those in attendance his services. He offers different insurance options and other financial services. For more information about Jeremy’s services you may contact him at JRWhite@woodmen.org or call 910-872-1362.
For more information about the ESGR, watch our video: