The Elizabethtown-White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for our Annual Awards. The awards are presented in five categories to worthy individuals and businesses who have impacted Bladen County in 2022. The Chamber is requesting members’ help in identifying these individuals and businesses. Nominations will be accepted until November 30, 2022.
Awards are presented in the following categories:
OUTSTANDING CHAMBER MEMBER OF THE YEAR: The Outstanding Chamber Member of the Year is given to a member organization or business that has shown exceptional service and dedication throughout the prior year. The Award recipient may be celebrating a milestone, have accomplished remarkable achievements, and overcome tremendous obstacles. The Award recipient embodies the values of the Chamber and is involved in the overall success of the Chamber and our Community.
The Outstanding Small Business Award is given to an individual(s) who represents a Chamber Member. The individual receiving this award is invested in the success of the Chamber, local businesses, and the community.
The Caring Person Award is given to an individual (who may or may not be a Chamber Member) for meritorious service to the community. This award is presented to the individual who understands and demonstrates how the public, business community, and government work together to provide service to the community. The individual receiving this award has played an important and sustained role in numerous community activities, often behind the scenes. He/she may have also received prestigious awards for the various activities in which he/she has been involved. This individual has given not only his/her time to these activities, but also donated needed resources.
The Honorary Lifetime Membership award was established to recognize and to give the highest regards to an individual who has served the Chamber in an outstanding and on-going manner. The award is presented to an individual who has been a model Chamber member, a caring businessperson, an active community participant, and an all-around good citizen. The award recipient will have demonstrated the Golden Rule in his/her endeavors
The Legacy Award recognizes a person who through the course of their employment and their day-to-day job, has supported the efforts and initiatives of the Chamber. They have taken an active leadership role and provided valuable counsel in important business development matters. They are honored for their level of collaboration. This nominee can be a Chamber Member, an elected official or county/town employee.
To nominate either a person, business or organization, fill out the attached form or send the name, contact information and a brief description of why the person deserves the award to by November 30, 2022.
Awards will be presented at the Annual Banquet on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at Lu Mil Winery.