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Faithful-familiesWould you like to learn more about how you

and your family can Eat Smart and Move More?

We are currently looking for a church in Bladen County that would be willing to host our “Faithful Families Eating Smart and Moving More” classes that would be available for you, your church members, and citizens of Bladen County to join!

These classes will help you to:

• Learn how to plan, shop for, and prepare healthy meals for your family

• Discover delicious, healthy, family-friendly recipes

• Explore simple ways to be physically active during the day and in your

faith community

• Talk about the connections between food, physical activity and faith

The Faithful Families program will be given over a 9-week period, meeting once each week. There is no charge to attend. For questions, comments, or concerns, you may contact one of our trained facilitators:

• Sandra Cain at NC Cooperative Extension: 910-862-4591
• Carol Strickland or Marianne Valentiner at Bladen County Health Department: 910-862-6900 extension 5


Author: bladenonline

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