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Healthworks Fitness and Wellness

Summer is finally here and Healthworks Fitness and Wellness wants to you help you beat the heat while exercising.  The hotter temperatures can feel overwhelming. Any exercise may feel harder in the heat. Here are five tips to help you get through the heat.

  1. Don’t be ridged about your work out time. Before you make your plan to work out, check the weather report. Earlier in the day or later in the evening may bring ease to your routine.
  2. Don’t let the rain stop you. Try working out when it rains as long as it’s not thundering and lighting. No one needs to be out in bad weather, but if it’s sprinkling it may bring a new experience for you to enjoy.
  3. Don’t get too hot. There are other alternatives when the temps are too high. Exercise at the gym, find a shaded trail, or hit the pool. There are plenty of choices out there for physical fitness activities.
  4. Don’t just shower after your workout. If you take a cold shower before your work out your body will be cooled down, your hair will be wet, and when you step outside it will be easier to get your work out in.
  5. Don’t wear the same clothes you’ve been wearing in the cooler weather. Invest in some lightweight, breathable clothes.

Healthworks Fitness and Wellness also has a Three Month Summer Special until June 30th, 2015 and a HealthFit for Kids. Stop in today to find out more and follow them on Facebook.

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