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Harrells Christian Academy’s Terrific Kids for the 2nd nine week grading period were announced during Lower School Chapel on Thursday, Jan. 12.  Terrific Kids are sponsored by the Clinton Kiwanis.  Wendy Carr represented the Kiwanis Club at the presentation.  Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time.  Students were selected based on their inquisitiveness in the classroom.

Top Row – Sofia Mendible (5th grade, Clinton), Hudson Griffin (4th grade, Clinton), Baines Raynor (3rd grade, Wallace), Cassidy Wright (3rd grade, Harrells), Davis Rogers (1st grade, Clinton).

Bottom Row – Davis Barnette (3rd grade, Wallace), Channing Jackson (2nd grade, Clinton), Sophia Gnyp (Kindergarten, Rocky Point)

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