Spread the love

By Erin Smith

With the devastation left behind from Hurricane Florence, many Bladen County residents are still in the process of totaling their losses. Many organizations have been assisting those residents as they begin the process of rebuilding.

On Tuesday morning, Bladen We Care was the recipient of a $5,000 donation from First Bank of Elizabethtown for the hurricane relief effort. Mac Campbell, with Bladen We Care, said the group has been working with the hurricane relief efforts since Hurricane Florence hit the area with devastating flooding and wind damage.

Campbell explained Bladen We Care has been assisting with the hurricane recovery efforts and helping residents who have lost everything.

Mike Davis, branch manager with First Bank in Elizabethtown, said the bank’s headquarters set aside funds for the hurricane relief efforts. Davis said the headquarters branch reached out to the individual branches of First Bank to learn more about the damages suffered across the region and how they can help.

“I talked about the devastation in Bladen County and what good things Bladen We Care does all year long,” said Davis.

He said First Bank agreed to donate $5,000 to Bladen We Care to be utilized in the hurricane relief effort.

“They (Bladen We Care) have already identified several situations where they can help,” said Davis.

Campbell said the Kelly community and Natmore areas seem to be the most devastated locations in Bladen County. He said Bladen We Care is working with Rev. Jason Williams and Foundation Bible Church regarding the hurricane relief efforts.

“They have a good network of ministers (in Kelly). They are gathering information for us,” said Campbell.

He added that in the Kelly and Natmore communities there are families that have lost everything and there are families that have suffered minimal damages.

“We’d like to spread the funds as far as we can and reach as many people as we can,” said Campbell of the donation.

Campbell said the main goal of Bladen We Care is to assist Bladen County residents who “fall through the cracks” or those who are having to wait several months to receive any type of assistance. He emphasized Bladen We Care will not pay for any pain medications.

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