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A Staff Report

The Bladen County Board of Commissioners convened a regular meeting on Monday, December 4, 2023, at the Bladen County Courthouse in Elizabethtown. The meeting featured various important discussions and decisions made by the county commissioners. Following are highlights of the meeting according to minutes taken by Maria C. Edwards, NCCCC, Assistant to the County Manager/Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for Bladen County.

Meeting Attendees:
– Rodney Hester, Chairman
– Dr. Danny Ellis, Vice Chairman
– Ray Britt
– Charles Peterson
– Cameron McGill
– Arthur Bullock
– Mark Gillespie
– Excused: Dr. Ophelia Munn-Goins, Michael Cogdell
– Attorney: Leslie Johnson, Johnson Law Firm

Here are the key highlights from the meeting:

1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:
– Commissioner Cameron McGill provided the invocation.
– County Manager Greg Martin led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Consent Items:
– The Board unanimously approved the agenda, minutes of the November 6, 2023, regular meeting, minutes of the November 20, 2023, regular meeting, and several budget amendments for various departments.

3. Election of Board Officers:
– Commissioner Peterson was unanimously elected as Chairman, and Commissioner Ellis was unanimously elected as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.

4. Addressing Local Concerns:
– Harmony Hall President Emily Turner provided an update on recent activities and renovations.
– Mr. Buddy Strickland and Mr. Billy Green expressed concerns regarding state requirements for recreational vehicle (RV) campground pedestals and requested assistance. Chairman Peterson promised to investigate the issue further.

5. Matters of Interest to Commissioners:
– Commissioner Peterson discussed the required rehabilitation of the Kelly Dike, which was rescheduled for a meeting on December 6, 2023.
– No other Commissioner presented any items for discussion.

6. Department of Social Services:
– Vickie Smith, Director, provided updates on on-call positions and Medicaid Expansion, which became effective on December 1, 2023.

7. Revenue Department:
– Renee Davis, Tax Administrator, shared tax valuation information regarding Alford Heirs property from 1998-2023.

8. Human Resources:
– Tyshell Jones, Director, shared the results of an employee appreciation survey and the approval of a two-hour employee appreciation paid time off program.

9. Advisory Board Appointments:
– Several advisory board appointments were made or reappointed for various committees.
A. Bay Tree Lakes Fire Service District Committee (2): Upon a motion by Commissioner Hester, seconded by Commissioner McGill, the Board unanimously reappointed Ricky Price and Warren Holder to three-year terms, with the terms expiring November 3, 2026.
B. Clarkton Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) Committee (2): Upon a motion by Commissioner Bullock, seconded by Commissioner Gillespie, the Board, waiving the rules on term limits, unanimously reappointed Marlowe December 4, 2023 Grant and Grant and Wilbur Ward to three-year terms of service, with the terms expiring November 30, 2026.
C. Clarkton Fire Service District Committee (4): Upon a motion by Commissioner Hester, seconded by Commissioner Bullock, the Board, waiving the rules on term limits, reappointed Julie Ward, Sammy Russ, and Marlowe Grant to three-year terms of service with the terms expiring November 30, 2026, and appointed Kelly Marsh Mize to an unexpired term, with the term expiring November 30, 2025.

10. Advisory Board Appointments for Consideration During December 18, 2023 Meeting:
– A. Bladen Community College Board of Trustees (1)
B. Division on Aging Advisory Committee (6)
C. Economic Development Commission (5)
D. Health and Human Services Advisory Committee (3)
E. Library Board (2)
F. Lisbon Fire Service District Advisory Committee (3)
G. Personnel Advisory Committee (1)

11. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Enabled Projects:
– The Board approved funding for various project applications submitted by organizations in the community.

12. County Manager:
– Mr. Martin reviewed the calendars for December 2023 and January 2024 and discussed the annual review of Board policy and procedures.

13. Individuals/Delegations Wishing to Address Commissioners:
– No one in attendance addressed the Commissioners.

14. Matters of Interest to Commissioners:
– Various Commissioners expressed concerns and frustrations related to noise ordinances, speed limits, traffic accidents, and water bills in the county.

The meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm, and the next meeting was scheduled for December 18, 2023.

These are the key points from the Bladen County Commissioners Meeting held on December 4, 2023, showcasing the important decisions and discussions that took place during the session.

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