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Where there is smoke, there could be fire! Wildfires can occur anywhere, any time of the year, and destroy homes, businesses, and natural resources.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, nearly 45 million homes and 72,000 U.S. communties face the risk of wildfires.

However, you can prepare yourself, your business, and where you live in the event you may experience a wildfire emergency. Get started by:

*Watching the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s wildfire animation – When the Fire Starts.
*Reviewing your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy to ensure you have the adequate coverage for your property and personal belongings.
*Removing flammable items, such as firewood piles and portable propane tanks, within 30 feet of all structures and discarding any dry or dead vegetation from up to 100 feet around your home.
*Learning and practicing evacuation routes from your home or business to an area that is not affected by the wildfire. The best action to protect yourself and your family is to evacuate early, and so you can avoid being trapped.

Wildfires can occur any time of the year but are especially prevalent during drier weather. Learn more with the How to Prepare for a Wildfire Guide.

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