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Dublin – Bladen Community College will welcome fall semester students, faculty and guests to the 2017 Fall Convocation at 11 A.M. on August 29. The Convocation service provides an opportunity for students to commit to completion with encouragement from motivational guests.

Jennifer Haygood, current Chief of Staff for the NC Community College System will address the assembly. Haygood is responsible for overseeing the internal operations of the NC Community College System Office and creating a fully integrated, highly performing System Office team that supports the System’s mission.

Haygood served for eight years as the System’s Chief Financial Officer, leading the division that is responsible for managing approximately $1.5 billion in state, federal, and tuition funds that support the state’s 58 community colleges and the System Office. Prior to working for the NC Community College System, she worked for the Fiscal Research Division of the NC General Assembly where she was the Education Team Leader and Community Colleges Fiscal Analyst. Previously she worked in the Education Section of the NC Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention as a Governor’s Public Management Fellow.

Haygood earned a Masters of Public Policy degree from Duke University and received her undergraduate degree from Rice University. Prior to returning to graduate school, she was a Teach for America corps member and taught elementary school in inner-city New Orleans.

BCC president William Findt will recognize the faculty member, staff member and adjunct faculty member of the year at this assembly.

Bladen Community College welcomes inquiries about how to change your life through education. For information, call 910 879-5500 and speak with a counselor.

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