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By: Haylie Robinson

March is National Nutrition Month, which means that this is the month to learn healthy nutrition habits that could help your body in the long run. According to NationalToday.com, Hippocrates II, an ancient Greek physician known as the father of medicine, once said, “Let thy food be thy medicine.” 

Nutrition is the process of obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. Foods have many different health effects on your body. For instance, Medicalnewstoday.com says peas can help reduce cancer risk. Sweet potatoes are an excellent alternative to sugary foods with low sugar for people with diabetes. Carrots help with eyesight and reduce the chances of having breast cancer, and garlic is a natural antibiotic. 

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics gives 50 ideas on its website, https://www.eatright.org/. Below are five suggestions to try during Nutrition Month to live a healthier lifestyle.

  • Commit to trying a new vegetable or fruit in your meals each week or day
  • Try doing healthy meal planning for the week
  • If you watch tv, maybe try working out while watching so that you can get your exercise in for the day 
  • Bring out new flavors in food with healthy herbs and spices 
  • Try more meatless meals by substituting with beans, peas, lentils, and more plant-based protein

Also, a good exercise routine helps with healthy foods; according to https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/, some easy exercises to do at home are; squats, lunges, planks, and pushups. Some cardio helps, going for a walk with a loved one or your dog, or going on a jog. 

It’s always good to try to stay healthy in your lifetime. Nutritious foods such as grains, proteins, vegetables, and fruits can help heal and protect many different things in your body. Try consulting with a dietician to pinpoint diets to help your body because each body is diverse. A specific diet can help with what you need to be more nutritious. 


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