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By Rep. Brenden H. Jones

Last week was a busy week in the General Assembly. Below is a summary of key bills I introduced or sponsored, key actions taken by committees on which I serve, and key House votes.

Key Bills Sponsored / Introduced

HB243:  Strengthen Opioid Misuse Prevention Act
HB254:  Surplus Computers for Low-Income Students
HB284:  25-Year LEO Retirement Option
HB291:  School Calendar Flex./Certain School Systems

Key Committee Actions

Transportation Committee:  HB128:  Prohibit Drone Use Over Prison/Jail
Transportation Committee:  HB11:  Handicap Parking Privilege Certification
Judiciary II Committee:  HB63:  Citizens Protection Act of 2017

Key House Votes

HB239:  Reduce Court of Appeals to 12 Judges (passed the House; I voted in favor)
HB240:  GA Appoint for District Court Vacancies (passed the House; I voted in favor)
HB55:  Apex/Cary/Police Assistance on School Grounds (passed the House; I voted in favor)
HB205:  Workers’ Compensation/Prison Inmates (passed the House; I voted in favor).

Bills HB239, HB240 and HB241 are bills that streamline the process of judicial appointments.  These bills would:
*Reduce the size of the current Court of Appeals from 15 to 12 judges; data from the past five years indicates that the Court’s caseload has dropped by approximately 20%;
*Provide the General Assembly the authority to appoint special Superior Court Judges; This increases transparency and gives citizens more of a say in the process instead of it being unilaterally decided by the Governor.
*On the local level, this legislation gives the local Bar the opportunity to meet with its local representatives to have a stronger voice in who they recommend.

Monday was a voting session; we took up a few bills, including HB142 (Increase Oversight of OLBs) and HB98 (Crim. Offense/Vandalize Fire & EMS Equipment).

Tuesday morning, I attended a breakfast sponsored by the Licensed Counselors Association. After the breakfast we had an Appropriations, Justice and Public Safety Committee, during which we discussed various portions of the Governor’s budget proposal.

After a brief meeting with a few of my colleagues, I attended the Transportation Committee and we discussed/voted on several bills, including:

HB128: Prohibit Drone Use Over Prison/Jail
HB11: Handicap Parking Privilege Certification.
In Judiciary II later that day we discussed HB63:  Citizens Protection Act of 2017.

Wednesday morning, I spoke with an individual representing the Coastal Conservation Association.  Afterward, I attended an Appropriations, Justice and Public Safety meeting in which we continued discussions on the department’s budgetary goals/concerns.

After meeting with colleagues, we had session at 2 p.m. and voted on various bills, including:

HB115: Retirement Technical Corrections Act of 2017.-AB
HB55: Apex/Cary/Police Assistance on School Grounds.
HB16. Enhance Oversight of Service Contracts/PED.
Thursday started off with a 7:30 p.m. Agriculture and Rural Caucus meeting.  I also attended Appropriations, Justice and Public Safety and our first Alcoholic Beverage Control Committee meeting of this year’s session.

Thursday’s session began at 11:00 a.m. and we voted on numerous bills.

Other Issues or Questions?

If you have questions or comments about other issues, please feel free to call my legislative assistant, Andrew Bailey, at 919-733-5821 or jonesla@ncleg.net.

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