Health Grades
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By Cheryl Thurston

Well it seemed November went by in a flash and here we are in December, with only a few weeks left in the year. This is the time of year when we reflect on days gone by, and make plans for the future days to come. I hope your holiday season is off to a great start so far, with lots of fabulous food for Thanksgiving. Mine certainly is. Last week my friends and family fed me traditional Thanksgiving meals and a few new treats as well. Everything was delicious. And you know what? I didn’t cook anything. I love people who are good at cooking, I’m just not one of them. Maybe that’s why I admire them so much.

But you know what? Thanksgiving was last week, so now let’s get on with the December report from our friends over at the Bladen County Health Department. You know, they go out into the community each month and inspect our restaurants, kitchens, cafeterias, and meat markets to ensure that our local food supply is safe and that our local eateries are keeping things sanitary and healthful.

Take a look at the chart below for all the places that were inspected in November. This time around I can see that Galigo’s is still holding onto their 100% score. Kudos to you, Galigo’s. I’m also glad to see that not only are our school cafeterias kept in good shape, but also, our daycare and pre-school children are well taken care of too. It’s comforting to know, you know? Bon Appitité.

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