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The Elizabethtown Kiwanis Club celebrated the new and past officers of the Club in the meeting of the Kiwanis Club at Cindy’s in Elizabethtown last Tuesday evening.  Past president Jeffrey Futrell was recognized for his service to Elizabethtown Kiwanis.   Treasurer William Thompson was recognized with a plaque for his many years of service to Kiwanis in his position.  Incoming club president Lisa Bryan recognized Vice-President Daine Smith for his continuing service to the club.   New and re-elected officers will begin their roles in September of this year.

Vice-President and Key Club advisor Daine Smith discussed the effort to organize a key club at West Bladen High School. President Lisa Bryan will help Daine with this effort.  The club has previously voted to support a club at this high school once organized.   The East Bladen Key Club will begin meeting and electing officers once school starts back on August 26th.  Joint activities including the annual can drive for the local food bank are planned.  

The key note speaker for the evening was Elizabethtown Assistant Town Manager Pat DeVane.   Pat shared with the club the status of many of the town projects including the beautification project, cemetery project, Tory Hole park project, and the Lock and Dam project.  The town continues to make repairs from Hurricane Florence.  

The next meeting of the club is scheduled for September 17th at 6:30 p.m. at Cindy’s Restaurant in Elizabethtown.

For more information on the Elizabethtown Kiwanis Club and how you can volunteer to help  – email mailto:kiwanisbladen@gmail.com or visit https://www.facebook.com/kiwanisetown/


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