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A Staff Report

In times of political unrest and global turmoil, it is often the individual actions of ordinary people that can make a significant difference. Tracy Taylor, a devoted Christian residing in Bladen County, felt a calling from the Lord to take a stand and show unwavering support for Israel, a nation facing complex geopolitical challenges. In response to this divine prompting, she embarked on a mission to spread awareness throughout her community.

Taylor’s endeavor began when she felt a strong conviction that she needed to make a tangible gesture of support for Israel, a country that has historically faced numerous adversities. Inspired by her faith and belief in the importance of standing with Israel, she decided to create signs that would boldly convey this message of unity. These signs, now available for the community, serve as a visible reminder of the unwavering support that residents in Bladen County have for the people of Israel.

These signs, bearing the message “TEAM ISRAEL,” are a powerful symbol. Taylor was keen on ensuring that these signs were made available to all members of the community, regardless of their religious affiliation.

What makes Taylor’s initiative even more notable is her commitment to making these signs affordable for everyone. Priced at $10, these signs are being offered at a cost that is $2 less than what it took to produce them. Tracy’s motive is not financial gain but rather to make these signs accessible to as many individuals as possible, making it easy for the entire community to join in expressing their support for Israel.

To acquire these signs, you can visit 805 E Broad Street in Elizabethtown, North Carolina, where Taylor has set up a distribution point. The central location ensures that residents from all corners of Bladen County can easily obtain a sign and join the movement.

By purchasing and displaying these signs, the people of Bladen County can make a powerful statement to the world. They show that despite differing backgrounds and beliefs, the community stands united in support of a nation facing political and humanitarian challenges. Tracy Taylor’s mission to spread this message of solidarity is an inspiring example of how one person’s faith and determination can ignite change.


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