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Extended to September 17, 2021

The Lumber River Council of Governments (LRCOG) in conjunction with its members Bladen, Hoke, Richmond, Robeson and Scotland counties, and the municipalities therein have been working on a broadband (internet access) demand study aimed at improving broadband availability within the five-county region.
The public’s input tool into the study was scheduled to end on August 31, 2021; however, due to a lack of responses, the LRCOG has arranged for a one-time extension of the response window to September 17, 2021. Individuals with and without broadband (internet) service within Bladen, Hoke, Richmond, Robeson, and Scotland counties are encouraged to visit www.lrcogbroadband.com to complete the survey online or call 910-618-5533 to complete the survey by phone or to receive a paper copy.

David Richardson, Executive Director of the LRCOG, stated that, “having a substantial response rate from each county is critical in developing statistically significant data that may be used by local governments to help attract internet service providers to the region and to assist in the preparation of grant applications for the expansion of broadband.” The goal is to have a response rate of five percent of households within each county and currently the survey has only received 53% of the needed responses from Bladen County, 48% of needed responses from Hoke County, 36% of needed responses from Richmond County, 84% of needed responses from Robeson County, and 19% of needed responses from Scotland County.
The study is being funded by a grant from the US Economic Development Administration.
The LRCOG provides an array of programs and services to the member governments located within its region: Bladen, Hoke, Richmond, Robeson, and Scotland counties. It serves as an administrative and service delivery arm for federal, state, regional, and local programs of its member governments.
staff report
Author: staff report

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