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On August 28, 2020, the National Association of Development Organizations announced the winners of the 2020 NADO Aliceann Wohlbruck Impact Awards. The NADO Impact Awards recognize creative approaches to the advancement of regional economic development and the improvement of quality of life. This year, only 79 projects from across the country were recognized, with the Lumber River Council of Governments receiving three of these awards.

The Lumber River Council of Governments received awards for its Assets Inventory Assessments projects, “The Real World” event, and the Lumber River Regional Senior Games. David Richardson, Executive Director of the Lumber River Council of Governments, stated “the Lumber River Council of Governments is delighted to be recognized by National Association of Development Organizations for the creative approaches as well as the positive impacts that our agency is having on our member governments and the citizens of our five county region, including Bladen, Hoke, Richmond, Robeson, and Scotland counties.”

The Lumber River Council of Governments’ Community & Economic Services Division was recognized for its work in the development of water and wastewater projects across our five county service area. These projects assist local governments in understanding the current condition of their water and wastewater projects and then foster the development of a financially feasible plan to address current and future operational needs of the systems. The projects also assist local governments in leveraging the plans to obtain additional funding to support necessary improvements within their water and waste water systems.

The Lumber River Council of Governments’ Workforce Development Division was recognized for its work in its annual youth financial literacy event, “The Real World.” This event provides youth Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act participants from across the five county region with the ability to learn from financial experts about various financial literacy topics from managing a bank account to securing employment to understanding credit. The highlight of the day is when youth participate in a simulated “Real World” in which they have to create and manage a budget based on a given occupation while dealing with spontaneous life events.

Finally, the Lumber River Council of Governments’ Aging Division was recognized for its annual Lumber River Regional Senior Games, which brings older adults together primarily from Bladen, Hoke, and Robeson counties for more than a month of friendly competition in events such as track and field, bowling, and even literary and heritage arts. This event, which has more than 200 participants ages 50 and over, serves as an opportunity for older adults within the region to reduce social isolation, while improving their physical and mental health.

The LRCOG provides an array of programs and services to the member governments located within its region: Bladen, Hoke, Richmond, Robeson and Scotland counties. It serves as an administrative and service delivery arm for federal, state, regional, and local programs of its member governments.


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