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NC Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla, III and Assistant Secretary for Rural Development Dr. Pat Mitchell announced Thursday that the N.C. Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) approved 15 grants or loans totaling more than $5 million with the commitment of 491 new jobs.
Among the grants/loans was $250,000 to support a new Bladenboro industry. The money will be used to support the reuse of a 49,000 sq.ft. building constructed in 2005 that has been vacant for several years.  Carrol Poultry, LLC, is a poultry processing company with plans to bring its entire processing in-house for the first time.  Carrol Poultry, LLC has committed to create 50 new, full-time jobs, according to the new release.
A formal announcement related to the new industry is expected shortly.
The RIA was established as part of the Rural Economic Development Division of the N.C. Department of Commerce to assist with the review and approval of grants for rural areas in the state.  The grants-making programs of the division include assistance for building reuse as well as infrastructure.

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