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Pursuant to requirements of the N.C.G.S. Chapter 160A-364,385, and 386, and Section 8-4 of the White Lake Zoning Ordinance, and by the order of the Town Board of Commissioners of the Town of White Lake, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at 1879 White Lake Dr., on December 08, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of giving all interested citizens and property owners an opportunity to speak for or against the adoption of a proposed map amendment to the White Lake Zoning Ordinance.  The Board will receive comments from the public regarding amendments to the Official Zoning Map of the Town of White Lake.

The White Lake Planning Board has recommended to the White Lake Town Board of Commissioners a request to rezone properties listed below from R1 (Permanent Residential) to R2 (Recreational Residential) and found that the proposed map amendment is consistent with the objectives and policies for growth and development in the adopted Town of White Lake Land Use Plan and is reasonable and in the public interest.

HDJ Properties, LLC.


PIN #1352-06-28-6702

PO Box 2212

Elizabethtown, NC  28337


All interested citizens are invited to attend this hearing and be heard.  Citizens desiring to speak are required to place their name on the sign up sheet before 7:00 p.m.  Changes may be made in the advertised proposal which reflect information presented at the hearing.  A full copy of the proposed amendment may be reviewed at the office of the Town Clerk at 1879 White Lake Dr., White Lake, NC.

In case of a protest against the adoption of the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance by the owners of twenty percent (20%) or more either of the area included in the proposed change, or five percent of a 100-foot wide buffer extending along the entire boundary of each discrete or separate area proposed to the rezoned.  A street right-of-way shall not be considered in computing the 100-foot buffer area as long as the street right-of-way is 100 feet wide or less.  When less than an entire parcel of land is subject to the proposed zoning map amendment, the 100-foot buffer shall be measured from the property line of the parcel.  In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the Town may rely on the County tax listing to determine the “owners” of potentially qualifying areas.  Such protest against any change in or addition to the Town’s Zoning Ordinance shall not be valid or effective for the purpose of complying with the above requirement unless it be in the formula of a written petition as prescribed by the Town, actually bearing the signatures of the requisite number of property owners and stating that the signers do protest adoption of the amendment, and unless it shall be received by the Town Clerk in sufficient time to allow at least two normal workdays, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, before the date established for the public hearing on the proposed change to determine the sufficiency and accuracy of the petition.

This the 27th day of November and the 4th Day of December, 2015.

Brenda Clark, Town Clerk

Town of White Lake

Author: bladenonline

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