Spread the love

By Charlotte Smith

The Carolina Bay Area team of Operation Christmas Child (OCC) has recently experienced an expansion with the addition of Robeson County to its ranks. The Carolina Bay Area OCC Team consists of Bladen, Columbus, and Robeson counties. OCC efforts continue to embody the spirit of giving, dedicated to spreading the joy of Christmas and the love of Christ to those in need. This remarkable initiative is just one of the many ministries overseen by the Samaritan’s Purse Organization, a non-denominational Christian relief organization with over fifty years of global legacy in aiding the less fortunate.

Operation Christmas Child fulfills its mission by dispatching shoeboxes filled with toys, books, and various essential items to children in need worldwide. Lynn Ransom, the Carolina Bay Area Team Coordinator, succinctly defines their purpose as “to share the love of Christ in a tangible way with hurting and needy children worldwide.” Operating under the motto of “helping in Jesus’ name,” Operation Christmas Child has extended its reach to 160 countries, touching the lives of countless children.

One distinctive feature of this ministry is that each child who receives a shoebox is invited to participate in a 12-week discipleship program that introduces them to the teachings of Christ and guides them on the path to forming a meaningful relationship with Him.

In the past year, Carolina Bay’s dedicated team sent 21,998 shoeboxes to bring smiles and happiness to children worldwide. Although they fell slightly short of their ambitious goal of 23,000, there is still hope, as the official numbers will be available at the end of January. Additional contributions, such as online-built boxes and those transported to different drop-off locations or Charlotte, may bolster their total.

The team now boasts five drop-off locations in the region. Exciting plans are in store for the future, with a grand celebration scheduled for February 24th (time and location to be announced). The celebration will bring together churches, project leaders, and anyone eager to join in commemorating the incredible work of Operation Christmas Child in the area.

As we approach the season of giving, the addition of Robeson County to the Carolina Bay Area team promises to enhance the impact of Operation Christmas Child, spreading love, joy, and the message of Christ to even more needy children. The spirit of generosity shines brightly in this remarkable initiative, reminding us of Christmas’s true meaning.

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