Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingTime to return to a normal schedule, Labor Day is over…school buses on the road….as well as youngsters along the roadway.

Our visitors to White Lake will no doubt be missed by local business establishments. Tourism is a good, clean industry.  They will be returning, but with their youngsters in school, not as apt to be at the lake all week long.

Fall officially arrives in about 3 weeks on September 23rd.

The General Election is 9 weeks from today.  Expect a full ‘court press’, especially at the state and national level.

Anyone excited about the upgrade to gmail?

Bladen County Commissioners semi-monthly meeting, normally held on Monday, will be held tonight, same place, same time.

Property taxes were due September 1st, no penalty ’til early January.

Farmers are harvesting their crops, apparently, a pretty good crop….and hopefully the markets will be strong, and those that labor will receive a good return for their efforts.

Am I missing something, or are the established church families beginning to weaken as new non-denominational churches move in and become more attractive, especially to the younger generation?

Thank goodness for air-conditioning….not sure how we survived without it just a few years ago.

People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.  Anton Checkhov

It’s never too late to be what you might have been.  George Eliot

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.  Albert Camus

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