Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingNFL Bears 24, Seawhawks 17.

Quoting WNCN-TV, the CBS affiliate in Raleigh, “Hurricane Florence produced one of the ‘most significant rainfall events’ in the Carolinas, the National Weather Service said.”

“The NWS released totals for cities and towns across the state after Hurricane Florence.”

“As of 2 p.m. Monday, Elizabethtown topped the list after it received 35.93 inches of rain.”  Swansboro was second with 34.00 inches.  Other totals:

Wilmington 26.58″

Oak Island 26.98″

Whiteville   25.91″

Wilmington ILM (Airport) 23.02″

Supply 22.92″

Lumberton 22.26″

Dunn 20.41″

Clinton 17.85″

Fayetteville 15.27″

Burgaw 11.60″

Okracoke 9.29″

Raleigh 6.98″

Elizabeth City 2.01″

Recovery is underway, but not at the pace most would like.  Lots of rain, lots of problems, not soon solved.

Power is being restored, but until that work is completed, not much will happen in the area.  And, when you see a utility worker, thank them.  Four County and Duke have workers from across the U.S., in addition to their own staff here, working today, and have been doing so since Florence’s arrival.  Much depends on their progress, and they are dealing with a “mess”, nearly 3 feet of rainfall causing more problems than normal.

Patience dear, patience….Share with a friend who still has no power, no Internet, no phone, no TV.

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.  Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.  Joyce Meyer

Patience produces character, and character produces hope.  And this hope will never disappoint us.  Romans 5:4-5.

Author: bladenonline

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