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Elizabethtown – Preparations are underway for the thirty-fifth (35th) annual parade celebrating the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. which will be held in Elizabethtown NC Monday, January 15, 2024, commencing at 11:00 am. His actual birthday is January 15, 1929. Martin Luther King Day celebrates the life and accomplishment of Dr. King. MLK promoted Civil Rights through nonviolent civil disobedience. He is perhaps best known for his “I have a dream…” speech in 1963. He was assassinated in 1968. The day is a United States federal holiday with all government and most business offices closed. President Ronald Regan signed the holiday into law in 1983, and it was first observed three years later on January 20, 1986. At first, some states resisted observing the holiday as such, giving it alternative names or combining it with other holidays. It was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in 2000.  Martin Luther King Jr. – Wikipedia

Community, civic and school organizations, bands, step-teams, drill teams, Eastern Stars, Masonic Lodges, Shriners, queens and kings etc. are invited to participate. There is no entry fee. Those interested in being in the lineup please respond on or before January 8th via email to abullock1951@gmail.com with name of entry and a contact person’s name and cell number. Email subject, MLK 2024 Parade. The line-up begins at 9:00 am, location 805 West Broad Street; Elizabethtown NC.  

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