
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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WASHINGTON – On Saturday, Congressman Robert Pittenger joined Fox News to discuss health care reform and urge fellow conservatives to remember the lessons of Ronald Reagan.

“We need to take a lesson from Ronald Reagan, our great conservative president.  Ronald Reagan’s governance was based on the 80 percent rule.  If he could get 80 percent of any bill, he would declare victory and know he had achieved his objective.  We can’t go into any consideration of legislation and anticipate we should get 100 percent of what we want.

“You have to be considerate of those who live in districts that are far different in demographics, they have more seniors, they have more people who are in poverty, they may have rural or urban.  Our districts are far different.  And you have to recognize that in a body of 240 people.

“(Democrats) shouldn’t be cheering when next month they’re going to have an increase in rates again.  The reform that they passed is collapsing on its own weight.  When Aetna says it’s on a death spiral, when Humana says they’re leaving next year, there is no opportunity for this health care plan they passed to succeed, and it has to be reformed.”

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