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A staff reportAs the National Safety Council marks its 47th year of National Poison Prevention Week, Bladen Animal Hospital joins the initiative to raise awareness about the dangers of poisoning in pets. While many are aware of potential hazards to humans, it’s crucial to recognize that our furry companions face unique risks from everyday household items. Here are some vital tips to safeguard your pets from poisoning, especially from March 17th to 23rd, designated as National Poison Prevention Week:1. Acknowledge the Differences:Pets are not tiny humans. What may seem harmless to us could be toxic or even fatal to them. Understanding these differences is the first step in keeping your pets safe.2. Be Wary of Common Household Items:Several everyday items can pose a threat to your pet’s health. Foods and food additives like xylitol, chocolate, coffee, and onions can lead to severe consequences ranging from gastrointestinal issues to organ failure. Avoid feeding your pets from the table and be cautious about where you store these items.3. Keep Human Medications Out of Reach:Human drugs, including pain relievers and antidepressants, can be harmful to pets if ingested. Always store medications securely and be vigilant about any dropped pills or loose capsules that your pet might find.4. Beware of Toxic Plants and Flowers:Many common plants and flowers can be toxic to pets if ingested. Daffodils, tulips, azaleas, and rhododendrons are just a few examples. Familiarize yourself with the ASPCA poison control plant library to identify potentially harmful foliage in your home or garden.5. Handle Fertilizers and Chemicals with Care:While fertilizers help plants thrive, they can be dangerous if your pet decides to sample them. Cocoa mulch, for instance, poses a risk similar to chocolate ingestion. Additionally, be cautious with pest control products, as baits for rodents and slugs can be lethal to pets.6. Act Promptly in Case of Ingestion:If you suspect your pet has ingested something toxic, don’t wait for symptoms to worsen. Contact Bladen Animal Hospital or the Pet Poison Helpline immediately for guidance on next steps. Quick action can make all the difference in saving your pet’s life.

7. Familiarize Yourself with Emergency Resources:Keep essential numbers handy for after-hours emergency care facilities in your area. Capeside Animal Hospital, Points East Veterinary Emergency Hospital, and Animal Emergency & Trauma Hospital are some examples. Being prepared ensures you can access help when it’s needed most.As we observe National Poison Prevention Week, let’s prioritize the safety and well-being of our beloved pets. By being proactive and informed, we can create a safer environment for them to thrive. Remember, a little prevention goes a long way in keeping our furry friends happy and healthy.

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