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Raleigh, NC – The Raleigh Garden Club announces and invites you to join us for a special three-day garden-themed weekend: a Two-Day Home Garden Tour of private gardens, a Sunset and Moonlight in the Garden gathering, and a Garden Party and Silent Auction – May 31st, June 1st, and June 2nd.

Frances G. Cain, current RGC President states, “This is an important event for us, as we share the joy of gardening with folks in our community and get inspired during National Gardening Week. We are the ‘City of Oaks,’ but we are a ‘City of Gardens’ as well.”

• On Friday May 31st and Saturday June 1st, open 9am – 4pm, the eight featured gardens are situated in area clusters across the county and will be open for event ticket holders.
• Chosen for their diversity in size, design, and features, the gardens offer visitors a wide variety of landscapes and outdoor enjoyment.
• Each garden on the tour will have a guest artisan on site, selling garden-themed art, like wreaths, ceramic plaques, outdoor sculpture, moss creations, landscape paintings, and more.
• A $25 admission fee/person will pay for entry to all eight gardens.

• On Friday night, May 31st, 7:30pm – 10:30pm, a wine and cheese event will take place outdoors in the beautifully lit garden at one of our tour homes.
• $100 admission fee/person.

• On Sunday, June 2, 3pm – 5pm, the RGC Garden Party and Silent Auction, at The JC Raulston Arboretum, Ruby McSwain building, where refreshments will be served.
• Artwork by Gardens on Parade arHsans and others will enHce bids at the Silent AucHon.
• Guests can peruse the splendid, plant-labeled public gardens at the Arboretum as the bidding proceeds; bidding will end at 4:30, with the announcement of artwork winners to follow.
• $15 admission fee/person.

Starting March 6th, tickets will be sold via the Raleigh Garden Club website: www.Raleigh-Garden-club.org
Contact: Beth Owen, RGC Communications Chair, “2024 Gardens on Parade.” BethEOwen57@gmail.com Cell: 202-679-8611

staff report
Author: staff report

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