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By Charlotte Smith

The Bladen County Board of Commissioner held a meeting on Monday, September 16 at the Bladen County Courthouse in Elizabethtown. There was a wide variety of items to cover during the meeting.

Rev. Mark Miller provided the invocation for the Bladen County Board of Commissioners meeting held on Monday, September 16, 2019. Just like at the last meeting where Mr. G.C. Bryan prayed before the meeting, the board of commissioners gave Pastor Miller a pin after he prayed that says, “In God We Trust”.

The consent items were approved in unison with no opposition.

Djuana Register was recognized for over 30 years of service to Bladen County Health Department. The commissioners presented Mrs. Register with a plaque for her years of service during the meeting.

Dr. Terri Duncan, Bladen County Health and Human Services Director acknowledged Mrs. Register for her dedicated service. She said, “There are no words, really, to express what Djuana Register did for public health in her 30 plus years.”

Commissioner Author Bullock announced concerns citizens asked him to address. One concern was about the cleanliness of the Emergency Services facilities.

The building and vehicles are not cleaned well according to some citizens.

Then, Mr. Bullock reported citizens requested the speed limit be increased to 70 miles per hour on highway 87 by-pass. Pot holes in the area of Burger King and issues at the King Street gym were also mentioned by Mr. Bullock. Chairman of the Board of Commissioners asked Greg Martin to send a letter to the proper representatives about the concerns Mr. Bullock noted.

Commissioner Dr. Ophelia Munn-Goins added there were some street or road signs that are leaning over. Greg Martin, the manager for Bladen County said he would check on the signs.

Ms. Renee Davis, Bladen County Tax Administrator presented four bids for county owned property.

The board approved unanimously a bid submitted by Brian K. Pait and James W. Dowless in the amount of $8,700 for the 0.26 acre tract of land located at 609 West Seaboard Street, Bladenboro.  The investment to the County is currently $8,700 on the property which carries an assessed tax value of $23,020.

A bid in the amount of $4,000 for County-owned property submitted by Jerry A. Brown on September 10, 2019 was approved by the board unanimously.  The investment to the County is currently $4,000 on the 0.5 acre tract of land, which carries an assessed tax value of $8,980.

The board approved unanimously a bid in the amount of $6,500 submitted by Mr. Jerry A. Brown on September 10, 2019.  The current investment to the County is $6,500, on the 0.24 acre tract of land, which carries an assessed tax value of $7,200.

The fourth bid in the amount of $7,250 submitted by Jeriod Long on September 9, 2019, the board approved unanimously  The current investment to the County is $7,250, on the 1.85 acre tract of land, which carries an assessed tax value of $7,920.

Nathan Dowless, Director of Emergency Services appeared before the board for approval of a Bladen County Emergency Operations Plan. The plan is the same plan that has been in place since 2008, according to Mr. Dowless. Next year, a new plan will need to be submitted, according to Dowless. The board approved the plan unanimously.

Dr. Terri Duncan, Director of Health and Human Services Agency asked the board to consider approving an agreement with Bladen Health Care, LLC regarding general preventive clinical services. The board approved it unanimously.

Next, Dr. Duncan asked the board to consider approving an agreement allowing students to complete if needed a Phlebotomy Course at Bladen Community College as required. It was approved unanimously.

Then a policy for feedback and expectations was asked for consideration on behalf of the Bladen County Health Department. The policy was approved unanimously.

Lastly, Dr. Duncan asked the board to consider approving the Bladen County health Department Consumer Complaint Policy. The board approved the policy unanimously.

Vickie Smith with the Department of Social Services was next on the agenda. Ms. Smith asked the board to approve a software as a service and supporting agreements with Carolina’s IT for one year. The board approved the agreement unanimously.

Mrs. Smith and Program Administrator Lisa Nance reviewed graphs and information and gave an update regarding the August 2019 Adult Medicaid Audit Results. The commissioners asked questions regarding the employees and their scores, training and the projected outlook.

Mr. Dean Morris, Soil and Water Conservation Director explained the Beaver Management Assistance Program (BMAP) proposal for the beaver management program on behalf of the committee. In August the board approved the possibility of a partnership with Columbus County for the BMAP. At the time of the meeting Columbus County had not agreed to the meeting, therefore, Mr. Morris presented the commissioners with an alternate plan.

The new proposed plan is the Cooperative Agreement with USDA/APHISs would be a shared full time federal position with Pender County to continue with BMAP, covering the landowner fee portion of the BMAP. A contract is being prepared according to Mr. Morris and he will present the contract to the commissioners as soon as it is made available.

Mrs. Lisa Coleman, Finance Officer reviewed the Financial Dashboard for the  two-month period ending August 31, 2019. You may view the dashboard here.

Mr. Robin Hewett, Director of Computer Operations provided an overview information regarding a search for Password Management Software vendor.  The new software is fairly inexpensive according to Mr. Hewett and will not need a request for additional funds.

Before closing Mr. Hewett also provided an overview of a draft policy for feedback and discussion. The commissioners did not have any questions or comments at the time of Mr. Hewett’s presentation.

The next item up for discussion was the advisory board appointments.

There were two members appointed to the BARTS Advisory Board, two appointed to Child Fatality Prevention Team, six people were appointed to the EMS Advisory Council, one person was appointed to the Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority, two were appointed to the Voluntary Agriculture Districts Committee, and two were appointed to the Watershed Review Board.

Mr. Martin gave an update on the County calendar for September and October.

The commissioners had a heated debate about the approving the selection of Lacy West-Thomas Insurance Agency as the third-party benefits administrator for county employee supplemental insurance.

Commissioner David Gooden made a motion to approve the agreement. Commissioner Ray Britt made the second for the motion approval.

Dr. Munn-Goins objected to the motion stating she felt the employees needed to look at the contract because they may not be able to afford the benefits.

Mr. Martin provide an update regarding the Request for Qualifications responses.  A Request for Qualifications classified ad was published in a “newspaper of general circulation” on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 with a deadline to submit responses by 2pm on Friday, June 14.  The RFQ was submitted to each of the contacts on the attached Brokers List.  Five (5) responses were received, as follows:

Lacy West-Thomas Insurance Agency
Independent Benefit Advisors
Mark IIIPierce

Mr. Bullock asked for explanation on how Lacy West out performed the others. Mr. Martin and Mr. Peterson made some remarks regarding the committee meeting and the reasons behind selecting  Lacy West-Thomas Insurance Agency. Mr. Cogdell began to ask questions and Dr. Munn-Goins continued to testify to personal past experiences with selecting benefits.

At the end all in favor for the agreement voted by raising their right hand. Those in favor of the agreement were Commissioners Russell Priest, Ashley Trivette, Ray Britt, Charles Ray Peterson, David Gooden, and Daniel Dowless. Those opposed to the agreement were Commissioners Michael Cogdell, Arthur Bullock and Ophelia Munn-Goins. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned.

View the full meeting in the videos below:

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