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There was a lot of excitement in Bladen County on Monday as the first solar eclipse in 99 years could be viewed in our area. Students at Elizabethtown Christian Academy and Emereau Bladen were given special glasses with which to view the eclipse. At Bladen Community College students, faculty and staff and residents were invited to view the eclipse on the lawn.

Residents in Bladen County did not experience a total solar eclipse but were able to see a partial eclipse. As time lapsed, the moon passed before the sun reducing it to just a small sliver before continuing in its orbit.

A crowd estimated to be about 350 gathered on the east lawn of Bladen Community College and settled into lawn chairs and sat on tail gate blankets to watch the spectacle. The college staff were pleased with the turn out though the number of people in attendance surpassed the 200 staff had expected.

“We brought glasses for 200 people and Sunkist drinks and moon pies,” said BCC President Dr. William Findt. The staff also raffled off T-shirts and drink cups to commemorate the event.

Cerecia Newkirk brought her nieces and nephews to the Bladen Community College event. She said it was their first eclipse. The children were excited and hoping for total darkness.

Students at Emereau Bladen got to watch the event on the lawn and they were filled with excitement and anticipation of what they might get to see. As the sun was slowly blotted out by the moon, the students got to see history in the making.

The students at Elizabethtown Christian Academy were also viewing the eclipse. The students were amazed as they watched the moon slowly pass in front of the sun.



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