
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Congressman Robert PittengerBy Congressman Robert Pittenger

Garland Denny was a patriotic, selfless, and persistent local veteran.

Mr. Denny dedicated his retirement years to promoting several outside-the-box, creative ideas to increase funding for veterans services without increasing the tax burden, wisely recognizing that Washington bureaucrats don’t have all the answers.

One of his ideas was to create a “Stamp Out PTSD” semi-postal stamp. The semi-postal stamp would sell for more than the cost of first-class postage, with the difference being donated to PTSD treatment and research.

There are currently two similar semi-postal stamps in circulation, one for breast cancer research, and one for endangered species.

You might think having a new stamp created for such a great cause would be a simple enough task for Washington to handle, but you would be wrong.

Even though Congress gave the United States Postal Service (USPS) full authority to create new semi-postal stamps in 2005, the USPS had always declined to use that authority. 

In support of Mr. Denny, last summer I gathered 55 colleagues from the U.S. House and Senate and together we wrote the Postmaster General asking her to update USPS rules regarding semi-postal stamps with the hopes of accelerating Mr. Denny’s “Stamp Out PTSD” project.

Acting upon my request, the USPS has just announced revised rules allowing for consideration of new semi-postal stamps to raise money for charitable causes, such as Mr. Denny’s “Stamp Out PTSD” stamp.

Unfortunately, Mr. Denny passed away last October. However, his legacy lives on through his son, Chuck Denny, who has taken up his father’s mission and is working to submit an updated proposal based on the new USPS rules.  My office is helping gather the necessary support from various government offices. 

Garland Denny was tenacious in his mission to support veterans.  If he were still with us, I’m confident he’d already be on the phone building support for this new opportunity, and the Postal Service would be flooded with calls and letters urging creation of the Stamp Out PTSD semi-postal stamp.

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), up to 20% of veterans who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom experience PTSD. Among those who served in Desert Storm, roughly 12% experience PTSD, and the number increases drastically for our Vietnam veterans. Garland Denny made it his mission to make sure these brave Americans receive the proper treatment.

Garland Denny is a reminder that one committed American can make a big difference. Selfless patriots like Mr. Denny and his son are what make this country great, and while their mission is not yet complete, we will continue to push forward until we Stamp Out PTSD.


According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 6.5 million Americans abuse prescription drugs. These drugs are commonly found in our homes, but can be fatal when they fall into the wrong hands. From 2000-2014, there was a 2000% increase in opioid drug overdose deaths. Every community in America has been affected. Next week, the House will vote on several bills I have cosponsored to combat this epidemic and stop the cycle of opioid addiction.


Thursday was the National Day of Prayer, and I am incredibly thankful to live in a country where we have freedom to publicly come together in prayer.  Millions around the world face imprisonment and even death solely because of their faith.

America faces many challenges, but the God in whom our nation trusts is greater than all those problems, and He hears our prayers.  Please join me in asking God to give wisdom to our leaders, to protect the brave men and women who defend our liberty, to protect the unborn and give strength to the brave women who face an unplanned pregnancy, and to bless the millions around the world who are persecuted because of their faith. 

Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) is Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, Vice Chairman of the Financial Services Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing, and serves on the House Financial Services Committee, with a special focus on supporting small businesses, community banks, and credit unions.

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