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Today is National Parents’ Day and it is a time when you are encouraged to recognize the people who serve as parental influences in your life.  While it is not a public holiday, it is a day set aside to recognize the important role parents play in our lives.

National Parents’ Day is a time to send cards and present gifts to those who have had a positive influence on your life. It is also a day when families come together and celebrate with lunches or dinners.

In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed a bill that declared the fourth Sunday of July each year as National Parent’s Day.  According to the National Parents’ Day Council, Parents’ Day is established for “recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children”

In observance of this occasion, FEMA encourages family members to help parents prepare for emergencies.

Some of these actions include:

*Creating a family emergency communication plan – Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is important to plan for how you will connect with each other.

*Preparing infants and young children for emergencies – Learn the emergency plans for their daycare or school.

*Getting college-age kids Campus Ready – Gather information on the emergency procedures for their school or dorm.

*Practicing your emergency response plan – Making emergency plans is great, but practicing your plan by conducting drills will help your family’s response time when seconds count.

Disasters can be stressful for kids. Try to make emergency planning fun for children in your family. Visit http://www.ready.gov/kids for exciting games, quizzes, and other resources to help young children and teens understand the importance of emergency preparedness.


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