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  • Any North Carolina registered voter may request, receive, and vote via mail-in absentee ballot in the November 3rd No special circumstances or reason is needed.
  • Voting by mail with an absentee ballot is safe and easy in North Carolina.
  • If you’re not absolutely certain that you’ll have time to vote on election day, it is strongly recommended that you request an absentee ballot so that you can ensure that your vote is cast in this year’s election.
  • Voting with an absentee ballot allows you to avoid long lines and wait times on election day.
  • Absentee ballots are the only way to vote for many senior citizens, military personnel, and others who can’t get to the polls on Election Day.
  • Voting with an absentee ballot is a good alternative if you’re concerned about voting in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic, or if you’re someone who is at high risk of contracting COVID-19.
  • President Trump is on record encouraging voters to request an absentee ballot.
  • President Trump recognizes that voting absentee is reasonable because voters specifically and affirmatively request a ballot.
  • Election officials in North Carolina only send ballots to voters who request them using official request forms. They are not flooding the postal service with massive amounts of ballots for every registered voter in the state, which is what some other states such as Nevada are unfortunately doing.
  • President Trump voted via absentee ballot in 2016 and has requested his absentee ballot again this year.
  • North Carolina election officials have worked for many months to ensure accessible, safe, and accurate elections in 2020 despite the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes absentee voting by mail.
  • Data on who has requested absentee ballots is now confidential until Election Day. This reduces the ability of third parties to attempt to tamper with ballots, as they will not know who has requested a ballot or when ballots are sent out.
  • Criminal penalties have been increased for absentee voting fraud-related offenses.
  • Many people are watching North Carolina’s absentee voting process. Including candidates, political parties, county boards of elections, political and data scientists, and the media. If there are anomalies or questionable activities, they will be reported to election officials.
  • Requesting an absentee ballot is as easy as filling out this absentee ballot request form and returning it to your county board of elections: https://s3.amazonaws.com/dl.ncsbe.gov/Forms/NCAbsenteeBallotRequestForm.pdf
Author: bladenonline

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