Bladen County
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The Bladen County Tax office will mail new property values the later part of January, 2015, according to Chris Ellis, Tax Administrator..

Ellis said he wanted to allow “enough time to review values, test data and verify sales,” so he delayed mailing them slightly.  New values take effect January 1st and Bladen County commissioners will use the values to set the tax rate for the next fiscal year that begins July 1, 2015.

North Carolina law requires counties to do a re-evaluation at least every 8 years, some have shortened that time, but many still operate on an 8 year cycle.

Bladen County property owners will be very interested in the new values.  Over the past 8 years, the value of property has changed, particularly around resort areas like Bay Tree and White Lake.

The current tax rate in Bladen County is 74 cents per hundred and has been for many years.  If values drop significantly, across the board, a higher tax rate may be necessary to produce the same amount of revenue as the current year.

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