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Jefferson Weaver

Okay folks – enough is enough.
I have no use for the ANTIFA (Anti-fascist) crowd, most of whom don’t know the definition of
the word fascist.
I have absolutely no use for the kookaburra white nationalists, the so-called American Nazis,
the KKK, or anyone else who criminally wraps themselves in the flag of my ancestors. None of
the Weavers, Traylors, Coverts, Davises, Britts, Sullivans and Montagues in my lineage still
owned slaves at the start of the war. Those of my kin who fought for South didn’t fight for the
right to own human beings, and I sincerely doubt, revisionist history aside, that many
Southrons actually did.
There is a version of the Stars and Bars on my wall at home; that flag was given to my father
in recognition for his work in saving the Appomattox Courthouse site. That flag has nothing to
do with slavery. It had to do with preserving history, the history of the place where our nation’s
wound stopped bleeding, where America could begin healing. If you don't like my flag, that’s
okay. You're still welcome in my home, but I ain't taking it down. Nor am I hooting and hollering
that the “South Will Rise Again.”
If I may presume to do so, based on what I have read about Gen. Robert E. Lee, he would
have been horrified that people like this were fighting over his statue. People of either ilk have
absolutely no right to use someone like Lee as a rally point, much less fight over his statue.
Next thing you know, people will be pushing “Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Killer” as an historical
documentary. “Well, I know it’s true, because in the movie, Lee was defending slavery so
Southerners could drink their blood.”
The best way to usually deal with wombats is to let themselves scream themselves silly and
run around in circles for a while. Eventually they will ram their heads into a wall and get
knocked out, or simply go away.
It’s ridiculous that the town fathers in Charlottesville allowed this to happen, by discussing
removing an historical monument.
If Charlottesville is so ashamed of their history – I heartily suggest they take a stand against
hypocrisy and remove every single reference to anything historical, then refund every dime to
anyone who has ever gone to that lovely city as a tourist. Every dime. My last visit there, I
bought a couple of antique buckles, a book, a bullet, and a meal. I won’t even account for
inflation – we’ll just call it a nice even $50.
Why should they get rid of all historical references? Because every chapter in history is
written in someone’s hurt feelings or blood. That’s why we record history – to know how to
prevent things like Charlottesville’s very own “Crystal Night” leading to worse nightmares.
History is real, folks, and taking away its reminders won’t make the hurt go away – a hurt
which, in this case, not a single person alive has actually felt. None of us have ever owned a
slave, or been owned as a human slave. None of us have ever had to fight for the sovereign
rights of our home states. None of us have ever had our homes, property and lives confiscated
by unconstitutionally authorized military personnel.
Sadly, both sides in Charlottesville were exercising their rights to free speech. No one had to
listen to them. No one had to respond. We have the Internet, social media, television and even
newspapers to express our approval or disapproval of the opinions of others. And no one had
to destroy property and fight in the streets.
With fruitcakes like the ones on both sides of that ridiculous battle line, the more attention
they get, the happier they are, and then they require still more attention. I think it might have
gone better if the police had simply allowed them to bash on each other, but arrested every
single person who even looked at public or private property.
Regardless of the pedestrian’s politics, the lady didn’t deserve to be killed by an obviously
troubled young man. I have no idea if she was protesting, pleading, watching, learning,
screaming or fighting – but she didn’t deserve to be killed. She wasn’t a hero of the riot. She
was a victim, in a more direct and horrible way than anyone else.
The two troopers in the helicopter were a heartbreaking loss, but they were doing their duty.
They had to be there. Every line of duty death needs to be graven on our souls, since every

LOD officer death means there is one less sheep dog guarding the door between us and the
Fighting over a statue – literally fighting – is ridiculous. I’d like to see officials remove the
statues of Margaret Sanger, who pushed abortion as a means to control “lesser races” –
making her twice the monster in my book. I think it’s ridiculous that a city in Washington State
has a monument and statue to the Soviet leader who killed five million of his own people. And
never mind the KKK leader whose devotion to a certain political party made him a saint to the
very masses he considered unworthy and incapable of casting a ballot.
But I am not hooking the tow chains to those statues and cranking up the truck, unlike the
World Workers in Durham.
Tearing down historical symbols is shameless self-service by pandering politicians and
overgrown children in need of attention. Trying to rewrite or erase history because somebody’s
feelings got hurt is silly. Life happens, and life hurts. We learn to live with it.
I don’t care if it’s BLM, KKK, Nazi-wannabes, or Vegan Moon People committing treason
and fomenting anarchy – this type of mess ain’t American. There will always be differences; by
the way, history is full of descriptions of how we overcame our differences and worked
together. This foolishness is the type of thing that gets our rights taken away from us by the
same self-serving politicians, hotheads and rabble-rousers who light such fires in the first case.
I don’t know about you, but I am praying even harder for our country. I pray that leaders in
other local, state and federal offices realize that while they can’t stop idiots from spouting
hatred in the streets, they can keep the shouters from picking a fight. I pray that we, as
Americans, choose not to listen to the screaming mimis on either side, and instead pray for the
three families who are mourning.
People, we need to speak out against violence, looting, rioting and vandalism. Free
expression, even that which is offensive to some, is not the issue. Hatred of others, rather than
the issues that divide us – that is the issue.
There are folks I love — I mean truly love, not in this silly insincere modern social media way
– with whom I disagree on everything. We have yet to call each other vulgar names, throw
rocks and gas bombs, or attack each other. We debate, we talk, we disagree, we even argue –
but there are enough folks around the world who want to hurt and kill Americans without us
doing it to ourselves, or encouraging others.
Straighten up, people. Let these basement dwelling losers know that even if we are all
different, we’re still Americans. I ain’t sure about those who persist in fighting over race.
Whatever they are, I’m fairly sure that neither Robert E. Lee nor Martin Luther King would

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