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Back on July 24th reports broke about liquor and pill trafficking in Bladen County and since then we have had many questions regarding the man by the name, Stevie Tatum, that was wanted for trafficking. The man wanted is not the up standing citizen, Steven (“Stevie”) Tatum, of Elizabethtown, we all know and love.

We work hard for our reputations. Mr. Steven Tatum, son for Marvin Tatum, of Elizabethtown is no exception. Better known as Stevie, Steven is an upstanding guy who works hard, is a great family man, and volunteers his time coaching on the baseball field for the children of Bladen County.

However, since the report about the drug trafficking Steven has had to explain too many times, the man wanted for trafficking is not him. Steven said, “It was funny to begin with, but then when you find out you are being talked about in a lot of circles and you walk in a place of business and people look at you like you are guilty of something, it’s not funny anymore.”

We wanted to try and help Steven “Stevie” Tatum clear his name and set the record straight. We want to take this opportunity to thank Steven Tatum for giving his time to the children of Bladen County and for being a great role model to many.

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